Season’s greetings from the BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance®!

11th December 2023

This year, we were thrilled to feature in an episode of NOC’s award winning Into The Blue Podcast series, and you can view the episode here.

We were also delighted to be endorsed by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, recognising the valuable work we are doing to understand the world’s oceans for a sustainable future, whilst also improving access and collaboration between scientific institutions and the offshore industry.

In Brazil, we completed a habitat mapping project to understand what impacts the distribution of adult Grey Triggerfish, an important fisheries resource in Brazil, and made recommendations on stock enhancement locations.

We also looked at what marine sediment can tell us about the Earth’s history during our sediment sampling initiative. In the same way that tree rings provide us with information about past rainfall, drought and other environmental conditions, the muds that slowly settle to the seafloor are archives that preserve a lot of information about the evolution of the climate and oceans over time. The current amount of samples is very limited so one of this project’s aims was to provide methodology and equipment to allow industry ROV operators to undertake scientific sampling.

Throughout the year, BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance® was invited to showcase and present at numerous conferences and events, and our BORAbox® project has continued to grow with four boxes now deployed by four different partner organisations on Subsea7 vessels and another two scheduled for deployment by April 2024.

We are looking forward to expanding these programmes next year, as well as starting some exciting new ones, and would like to wish you a wonderful festive period.

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